- BSD -
Unix consultants & service providers & users,
freelancers & employees & company owners, focusing
& supporting & promoting local BSD-Unix usage, for
"">FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, (Apple's) Darwin
- For all member's BSD personal & business benefit, for
both the BSD fun & profit of members, & for the
encouragment of increased BSD development & contribution
back to the wider BSD communities.
- More than just a Berkeley monthly drinkers/ Stammtisch
club, & more than just a BSD local chat list (though both
those are provided too).
- in the wider community, & hold/attend periodic
href="#events">ifdef(`ENGLISH', `dnl English events.
',`dnl German Events ') German veranstalten. ')
- Jobs: If anyone finds BSD jobs through BIM, doesn't
matter who & whether employee or freelancer: we're
pleased for them: A more buoyant computer sector, & an
expanded BSD sector in Munich is good for most people's BSD
job security & career/ mobility prospects.
- services in Munich for BSD systems & people,
- BSD compliant source code etc,
- FTP server
- Webmail & Cvsup server
- activities.
- to BSD hosts, including compilers etc.
- (unpaid) support effort, server required to interface
to our facilities with least Linux &/or public
standards compliant systems ',dnl German BSD oder
mindestens Linux &/oder public standards kompatiblen
Systemen ansprechen. )
- waste on peoples Microsoft access problems, (unless
you are willing to pay us, in which case we have
""> commercial
rates). ',dnl German zu den marktüblichen Preisen
zur Verfügung stellen). )
- Computer developers use English on international mail
lists, but German is sometimes be used for issues of purely
local scope (but best not for technical issues we may want to
refer to international mail lists)
- Our monthly Stammtisch speaks a
mix of both languages.
- (There are German language mail lists for non
Munich-local stuff, available via majordomo@DE.FreeBSD.ORG).
- Return to Index
Linux ?a good choice of Linux groups here (A few of our
membership go to both BIM & Linux groups, & some
BIM members work on Linux professionaly & BSD
privately, etc). If you solely want to discuss the Linux
base systems, excluding all packages. then a Linux group
may appeal more, but do realise the Vast amount of
commonality Linux & BSD systems share, eg GCC &
ghostscript & other FSF & X11 & KDE & perl
& vmware & tens of thousands of other public source
packages that can run on both BSD and Linux. BSD &
Linux on occasion also adopt portions from each others
/usr/src, ideas &/or code, so we co-operate in that, as
in also our common dislike of closed source, Microsoft,
viruses & software patent problems etc. mandates a
BSD-only approach to the base /usr/src systems support,
(but of course we share an interest in Many apps with Linux
people, etc ).
- We also have some people who regularly go to both our
Stammtisch & a Linux Stammtisch the same
- We also have people who work with Linux during the
day, & switch to BSD in the evening.
- We also discuss & use common things, eg FSF, GCC, X Windows, Qt,
Tex , FVWM window manager, EXMH window manager, open
office, & a ports collection of
tens of
thousands of packages, doubtless many of which will
run on Linux too, some developed on Linux & merely
ported to BSD, & some other way round).
- We do of course discussing porting stuff to & fro
between Linux & BSD,
- What we do not't cover is Linux specific distro &
interface etc stuff, leaving that to the Linux groups to
- Linux magazines are also distributes at thhe the BIM
Stammtisch, eg an article on TeX is equally valid for
Linux & BSD.
- Munich
Linux User Groups
- English Munich Internet Verein ',dnl German
Münchner Internet Verein ) users of all operating
system, including Linux. (Some of their servers are ',dnl
German unterstützt Anwender aller Betriebssysteme,
einschließlich Linux. (Einige ihrer Server laufen
unter ) "">FreeBSD,
Micro$oft ? dislike the company, its products, &
environment. ',dnl German Wir können diese Firma, ihre
Produkte und ihre Umgebung nicht leiden. )

- ""> kbus
m68k mac68k mips mvme68k mvme88k pc532 pmax powerpc sparc
sun3 vax wgrisc
latest list on front right column of NetBSD),
- configuring
access for Micro$oft software
- Us not waste time on Microsoft compatibility
problems. ',dnl German wir werden keine Zeit mit
verschwenden. ) One reasons ',dnl German Ein Grund
dafür, dass ) formed, was to avoid being bored
& burdened by clueless Micro$oft users. ',dnl
German gegründet wurde, war zu vermeiden, von
Micro$oft-Benutzern genervt zu werden.) )
- Micro$oft oriented ISPs, & Vendors For
Help, Not Us ! There are lots of Micro$oft oriented
ISPs & software & system vendors, some of
whom made money selling you software & systems,
so burden them with Micro$oft related problems, Not
Us ! ',dnl German Es gibt viele Micro$oft-Orientierte
ISPs und Software- und Systemhersteller, einige von
ihnen haben damit Geld verdient, Ihnen Software und
Systeme zu verkaufen, deshalb: Belästigen Sie
die mit Micro$oft-Verwandten Problemen, nicht uns !
- "other_clubs.html#unix">ifdef(`ENGLISH',
`dnl English Some Other Club ',dnl German Ander Club
) might help or interest you. ',dnl German dass
koennte Sie entweder helfen oder interesieren.