Cyclists Groups 
For bike trips, but also occasionally odd other summer sport
events may also be announced on the bike@ list, eg for water skiers, surfers etc, also bike trips to
join other Beer Gardeners.
Index (To be sorted later
If you ski in winter, or want to
learn later, also join the Ski Group Mail
If you also walk or hike, also join
the walk Mail List
Consider also joining the bike-fast@ list
- The off-putting name was chosen 'cos it's short !
- Does not mean fast racers!
- Does mean faster than most though.
- Sample measured 2014-04-25: on un-tarmaced dry loose
stone, on hard mud West path of Isar heading North, before
& after Gross- Hesselohe brucke, suggest we bike-fast@
may want maybe 25 ? KM/hr & the 20 KM/hr perhaps OK for
bike@ is frustratingly slow for bike-fast@ )
- Definitely No clunkers (or "city rad" either
- For cyclist who may be faster, &/or go further,
- who know to plan the effects of their move on Other
- who can use maps & compasses & plan routes,
- tend to narrower wheels,
- can fix their own bikes on route,
- prefer tarmac to stones,
- tend to clips,
- don't have fat tyres
- don't have fat saddles
- don't have suspension etc.
- Ie about 10 to 20% of people on bike@ ;-)
- More Info or ask organisers
&/or the most proficient cyclists in the bike@
Other cycle groups
Sometimes we cycle to Beer Gardens (which
is how this section started).
Cycling Hazards, General &
Local, & Local Fines
The Normal
Before mere human laws, consider the immutable Laws of
biology & mechanics: ;-)
- Human Alcohol Absorption: Alcohol in bloodstream will
keep rising after you "down in one" the last of your
beer, & jump on your bike, & test the brakes -
hard - before going down that steep hill ;-).
- Stress laws: Tensile steel brake cables will break
when hardest applied = most needed (just after hardest
tested ? see above).
- Kinetic
Energy: (The "over the handlebars" law ;-)
1/2 mv^2
(If its cooler at end of evening, its easier to
cycle faster without overheating. (+ alcohol might
accelerate). If you go 20% faster, That's 1.2 x
1.2 = 44% more energy for brakes to dump before bike
Braking distance :
The law of Crunch ;-)
s=ut + 1/2 at^2
ie first part of braking distance doubles if tipsy slow
thinking distance doubles
+ if brakes can dump kinetic energy into heat at a
fixed maximum rate, if you have double the speed, you
quadruple that second part of your braking distance.
- Friction coefficients: Few pedestrians or car drivers
have any clue that wet bike wheel rim brakes in heavy
rain can easily take over 4 times the distance to stop.
(Not [hydraulic or other?] disc brakes, they seem to
suffer less from wet)
- After kinetic energy flies you off a bike, The law of
Gravity kicks in ...
- Then Murphy's / Sod's Law: "I'll buy a crash helmet
now I've crashed ;-)"
Defective Humans
- Few car drivers cycle regularly, few understand
problems of cyclists. Some cyclists act like idiots,
provoking car drivers (eg cycling in parallel when it
might be legal but also obstructive, or jumping traffic
lights. Such provoked car drivers probably then treat the
next cyclist badly. Pedestrians are clueless eg wandering
the entire width of Diener Str (S of Marienplatz) where
yes, its their Right, but if they had a brain cell,
they'd leave middle of road clear for bikes. Cyclists
provoke each other, eg 2 fat slow cyclists can block a
path completely, never overtaking (there's a fine for
that BTW!).
The Law Of Evolution, or "Some Are Foolish, Some are
stupid, (some aggressive), they won't learn, & Will
walk or drive into you."
Evolution ceased in Europe. Many humans remain
foolish &/or spatially clueless (or drunk) etc,
& it will only get worse. Society removed
previous evolutionary "survival of fittest" selector
mechanisms. Since Europeans could breed & have
their offspring supported by the state, there's no
reason to suppose there's evolutionary incentive for
humans to improve. Lack of intelligence doesn't
preclude any from breeding, rather the opposite, more
who will foolishly misuse all of cars, bikes, ...
& shoes ;-)
Local Munich
- Don't be misled by bike friendly PR you hear about
Munich. There's lots of room for improvement, & most
cyclists who ride fat slow City Rad don't realise how bad
most (not all) city bike paths are & how dangerous
tram tracks are to bikes with narrower wheels.
- Munich is only really bike friendly if you bike is a
clunker, a fat tyred slow City Rad! Planners will learn
little new from average cyclists who may eg attend ADFC
city Innen-stadt cycle tour days on fat tyred slow bikes
(Agonisingly slow rides BTW, high risk of zero speed
collisions from jams !)
- For better understanding ask someone who cycles fast,
on narrow wheels
- Many local car drivers are clueless don't
cycle (or if so, just fat tyred slow clunkers, called a
"City Rad" in Munich).
- Best get the views of people who regularly cycle
(inc. fast, on narrow tyres), & regularly drive a car
too, useful for understanding different views &
Tram Tracks:
- Many car drivers don't know bikes with narrow
tyres (tourers, racers) can't cross a tram track at
speed at a narrow angle (more so if wet), else they
would catch in the rut, crash & risk being run
over. They're too clueless to realise the narrower a
bike tyre, the more the cyclist has to slow down, to
achieve a sufficiently acute angle to cross tram
tracks safely. You can get chased between tram
tracks, too fast to cross the tracks, & cant slow
down cos vehicle behind too close.
- Or drivers would like to force you to cycle
between tram track & line of parked cars, with
risk of any opening car door (from many careless Car
drivers & rear offside passengers opening doors)
causing Major injury, with no possibility to swerve
across tracks with narrow wheels.
- A few drivers don't even realise, crossing tram
tracks at a dodgy oblique angle is not the time to
expect a cyclist to evolve a third hand, or cycle one
handed, to signal turning with the other arm.
(Reminds me of a moron driver coming down
a steep hill in England
driving too close, who wanted to then cut round
outside me & turn left, forcing me to turn left
when I couldn't, who shouted I should have signaled
left, to which I shouted back "I need Two hands to
_Brake_ with !! & further knowing I wanted to
turn left too, but could only do so if & when I
could decelerate enough to do so. & & if I'd
evolved a third hand in a millisecond to suit the
moron car driver, it would have still done him no
good, as I couldn't have decelerated before the
middle of the junction (very steep hill). The
aggressive driver moron ignored bikes don't have foot
brakes, don't have 4 wheels, & can't take tight
corners downhill at speed. Every country has fools at
the wheel. None I know of requires an intelligence
test before a driving test.
- Wet Braking Distance Triples ! How few car
drivers & pedestrians know that happens with rain,
metal rims, & rubber blocks ?
- Some Pedestrians assume they will hear motors of
all vehicles, & too lazy to look for bikes &
electric/combi cars.
- Most Pedestrians assume all bikes are slow,
& eg a bike bell is a signal to later slowly consider
strolling off the bike path. Not all bikes can or will
stop in time. Some stand in bike lanes & deliberately
don't get out of the way.
- Munich pedestrians & cyclists sometimes cross
junctions as soon as their light goes green, without
first looking left for vehicles turning right. (The
Ich habe Recht mentality ;-) Ignorant that foreign
eg British & some other car drivers are used to a
different traffic light timing pattern, & will Not
expect them to start crossing just then. A pedestrian or
cyclist knocked down by a foreign car driver in such
circumstance may usually have law on their side, but it
will be No less painful or injurious.
Ignition Key Syndrome
Munich car drivers mentally become encased in their
steel car, the second an ignition key is in their
hand, while they step out from kerb, & open
drivers door, further obstructing the road.
Big City aggression
Munich being a big-ish city, drivers are more
aggressive than smaller German cities (eg Aachen), or
UK {Canterbury, Tunbridge Wells etc}.
(If you wonder if this author's perspective
may suffer from lack of experience of Big cities, not
so: I happily drive a car in London, I've been around
Hyde Park corner London, a few times on a bike, not
Too often, risky, & round the Arc De Triomphe
Paris ( a few times, car only).
Germanic Recht Haben
Native English speakers generally consider locals on
average as more obsessed with their rights, laws
& insurance than we are, & less flexible.
More people (car drivers, cyclists, pedestrians) seem
to be less flexible. Supposing the law to be on their
side gives some people a deluded sense of security
but doesn't stop accidents, pain & injury, it
merely influences who might pay if people get caught.
1st Sunny Days In Spring - Cycle Morons! ...
Cycling on the left !
Beware too many cyclists in Spring act like morons, as
if they've not seen all 4 wheel traffic all winter
drive on the right, & never learnt to cycle on the
right, so they cycle on the Left & middle of cycle
paths, & assume all cyclists oncoming are slow
enough to & & will stop for them. Of course
there's a law against it, doesn't stop the morons.
Apparently the first few sunny days in spring the
ambulances scrape up an excess number of cyclist off
the cycle paths. ! Bells of course are completely
useless you'd wait beyond collision time for these
morons to react at all. Shouting "Rechts!" loudly,
aggressively, & in agonised stressed tone at these
morons sometimes helps avert a collision, far more
effective than a bell if you have a Loud voice.
Sometimes morons ignore that too, sometimes they shout
back Links as if it's their counter proposal for a
political debate or other moronic abuse. Sure there's a
law & fine to enforce cycling on right, but being
morons, neither Kinetic energy of a fast oncoming bike,
nor German law persuade morons to cycle on the Right.
The same morons, (both cyclists & pedestrians)
have to learn afresh each spring, that on a red light
on a cycle path at a 4 way junction, one shouldn't roll
bike or walk those last 3 metres up to 2nd white line
at a crossing, 'cos any moment there'll be a pile of
bike traffic at 90 degrees on the flank that the morons
will be obstructing.
By high summer the danger from morons recedes... till
next Spring, every year, zombies never learn.
- Summer Clueless Tourists They swarm in summer
& Oktoberfest, they often innocently have absolutely
No idea they're standing in a bike path, on what casually
appeared to them to be pavement.
- Föhn (On sunny days, if wind from
Mountains in South, dry air, (positive ions apparently),
Many more people act stupidly. (Simple proof to
observe: Count the stupid mistakes on such days, compared
with other days. Only count objective mistakes you
remotely observe, not any subjective mistakes where you
are either the wronged party, or you made the
mistake). I used to think Foehn was maybe a local
gullibility joke on visitors, like supposed existence of
Wolperdinger, ; it's not, Foehn is a real traffic hazard,
not a joke!
The dangerous continental habit/law of "Give way to
the right",
which aggressive "my right=law" obsessed inflexible
drivers convert to " Screw any traffic to the left,
I'll pull out regardless, Es ist meine Recht
("It's my right") ...,
I'll pull across that single or line of car
driver[s] or cyclist[s] on the left, ignoring any/
all of: common sense, courtesy, risk, kinetic
energy, bad road surface, poor visibility,
possibility of bad brakes, T junction, or narrow
road ahead I want to turn left into -
(The French to their credit, on their major
routes, reduced this dangerous continental habit on
their major routes, decades back),
Munich re-introduced greater use of this daft legal
system (maybe around 1995 ?), when they removed white
lines & signs from city junctions (in the stupid
name of Verkehrs-
Beruhigen") . That would have required more
courtesy & sensible flexibility in case of near
simultaneous arrival at junctions. Of course that
often didn't happen with "Es ist mein Recht -
Muenchners" - I saw many more near accidents after.
Taxi Drivers
Though Munich drivers are aggressive, Taxi drivers
are far more so, & brainless. I've had taxi
drivers shout at me to use cycle paths, paths they've
doubtless never tried at speed, drivers too stupid to
even guess the paths are damned unsafe at speeds I
can cycle. Some taxis have dangerously tried to use
their taxi body to force me off the road, real road
swine some Munich Taxis. (I'm a car driver too,
Munich taxi drivers more dangerous than normal Munich
drivers, & less disciplined than London black cab
Some summers back I cycled to Wolfratshausen &
back to Munich, it was night, cool & I was going
very fast, needed smooth tarmac, & a long braking
distance in the dark, not bike paths; I wasn't so
much slower than cars, all no problem, till I got
back to outskirts, when multiple brainless taxi
drivers started horning & harassing me. 'cos I
wasn't using the crap city cycle paths, where I could
have only gone a 3rd the speed or less, cos of bumps,
jags, irregular edges, protruding brambles &
abrupt terminations of path with no notice.
Impossible by bike light.
Typical Munich taxi driver aggression was
exemplified in 2013 at a 2 to 1 funnel heading south
along Isar, West bank, south of Fraunhofer- Str,
Here 2 taxi morons drove sideways into each
other, as so used to intimidating all other vehicles,
must have refused to allow each other to take the
lead, & rammed each other, As a pedestrian that
day, seeing no human damage, just 2 taxis,
remembering how often they cut up other cars, I burst
out laughing, hoping 2 moron taxi drivers might learn
to be less aggressive. 
Wouldn't so likely see that from black
London taxi cabs, not only better trained in
knowing the roads ("The Knowledge"), but taxis not
allowed on roads if scratched. ) (Yes london cabs
will cut corners in city of London
endangering pedestrians, but after someone I know
got sick of it every day & held out his long
umbrella , brass ferule at end toward the taxi
sides, to prevent them clipping the corner, that
they avoided : A scratch on a London black taxi
means off the road & no earnings !
- Sex Narrow Focused There's a dangerous bit of
cycle path on
Landsberger Str. North side, West just after junction
with Friedenheimer Brucke. Heading West, early
evening cycling fast, late to focus/ host a Beer Garden start: I've
several times narrowly avoided collision between camper
van doors & idiot males crossing South across cycle
path to prostitutes in front passenger seat of white
camper vans. I've learnt to beware as soon as I come over
the rise & see the van rooves.
Bike Paths:
- Everyone (planners, car drivers, police) assume
all bikes are dead slow with fat wheels. They don't
realise the bumpy tarmac , swerves, crossings,
cobbles & reduced visibility to cross streets is
jarring and Very unsafe at a decent tourer/race bike
speed, & it's much smoother & safer on the
- Police: I've had various police tell me
one Must use lousey cycle tracks if there. They seem
ignorant & uninterested how bad adjacent tracks
are. One young policeman from his warm comfy car seat
stopped me & told me in mid January that I Must
cycle on the cycle path covered in snow & ice,
& not on the cleared road. Was he legally correct
? ( let me
know.The road surface was clear &
safe, the snow & ice track was very dangerous,
near impossible without deep track mountain bike
I had road tyres, as his BMW did; I did not have
mountain bike deep track fat tyres, just as his BMW
did not have off-road tractor tyres. His BMW would
not have held with the dangerous snow & ice
surface he (with 4 wheels) insisted I must balance on
with just 2 wheels.
- Taxi Drivers sometimes fancy themselves as
unpaid policemen, shouting at cyclists to get on the
bike path, despite a bike path may be totally
unsuitable for tourer/ racing bikes at decent speed;
many inner city bike paths are junk, fit only for fat
old clunkers going very slow. Occasionally some taxi
drivers even use their cars to drive too close to
force cyclists off the road, one even pulled across
to block forward motion, provoking an emergency stop.
Criminal idiocy when the bike is fast, as it was
- Even many car Drivers have no road senses, eg,
get out of car & stand idly on bike path blocking
bike traffic!
- Car passengers don't look before opening doors
across cycle tracks
- Nearly everyone stupidly assumes all bikes are
slow & can & will stop near instantly, &
that everyone has a right to block cycle paths.
- Munich's bike paths can sometimes be a liability,
it's sometimes safer to cycle on roads that do Not
have cycle paths. Some cyclists don't understand
that, I've never known a cyclist to challenge that
assertion, who didn't turn out to be a slow cyclist,
who usually (not always) rode a clunker (fat tyred
city rad). Only those who regularly drive cars, bikes
(also at speed, not just slow!), & also walk in
crowded pedestrian areas, interlaced with bike paths,
are likely to have good understanding of all
City Planners: They mistakenly plan for all
bikes being fat tyred slow City Rad.
German Fines
A fines web site: www . bussgeldkatalog .
New fines @ 2013 April:
Zusammengestellt vom ADFC, Quelle: Bundeseinheitlicher
Tatbestandskatalog, 9. Auflage 2013, gülit seit
April 2013)
New rules 2013 April:
New link 2014-10-05:
(~2009, as read/heard, might be wrong or old, don't
blame me, ask a lawyer if you Need to know):
- 10 Euro. On pavement & pedestrian zones: @ 2009
- 15 Euro if obstruction. @ 2009 June
- 20 Euro if dangerous inc. wrong way on cycle path.
@ 2009 June
- 15 to 30 Euro if wrong way on a road (unless
allowed by sign). @ 2009 June
- 10 Euro: No lights on bike. @
2009 June
- 10 Euro if ear plugs for music (though disputed if
illegal). @ 2009 June
- 25 Euro Mobile phone. @ 2009 June
- 45 Euro + 3 points in in Flensburg: if Red stop
light for less than a second, & no one endangered.
(If longer & an accident, up to 180 Euro & 4
points. @ 2009 June
- Alcohol > 1.6 Pro mille Drunk Driving. 30 days
pay. + 7 points in Flensburg. If an accident &
above 0.3, a higher punishment & usually an MPU
test. & 7 points. If they send you for a loony
check: Medizinisch-Psychologische-Untersuchung (MPU). =
Depperltest ) If you blow that you lose your licence. @
2009 June
@ 2016-05 still 1.6: SZ
- 350 Euro.: Over a closed rail crossing. @ 2009
- 500 Euro:+ 1 Month loss of driving licence: Cycling
on S Bahn platform. @ 2012 August
- 16.01.2012
talk about making cycle helmets compulsory in the next
few years
Racing Bikes & Recumbent
Bikes etc
DIY Bike Repair &
Periodically people ask me/us about repairing/ maintaining
their own bikes: (I learnt as a kid & always did
my own, so I've never taken bikes to shops for repair, just
to buy parts, but I have occasionally asked advice at
Shops usually don't mind giving a bit of advice while
they're selling you parts, If some shop Does object, cancel
the parts purchase & buy elsewhere. (I recommend my local
bike shop in Fraunhofer- Str.). On a ride, those of us that
DIY are happy to give advice, but you need one bike in decent
order Before you join a ride, so if that's Catch 22 for you
.... Either take your bike to a repair shop, or
To learn DIY, if you speak German you could try:
Haus der
Eigenarbeit Their page at 2014-10-21:
"08.10.2014 | Fachberatung Fahrrad reparieren ab sofort
gibt es wieder Fachberatung Fahrrad reparieren. Jeden
letzten Dienstag im Monat ab 18 Uhr hilft Ihnen Manuel
Gessele beim Reparieren Ihres Fahrrades.
Wörthstrasse 42/Rgb. 81667 München Di-Fr
I cont have the enthusiasm to create an ever growing list,
I would be happy to point at someone else's list, mail me an URL (web
ref) to such. Uhr und Sa 12-18 Uhr "
Another possibility:
Repair Cafe Muenchen Giesing They meet periodically at:
am Walchenseeplatz Adresse: Bayrischzeller Straße
5, 81539 München, Deutschland
Bike Tours Geographic Alphabetic
- England, Kent, Tunbridge Wells, 77-83 Camden Rd, TN21
@QL. - Last Sunday each month, 4 groups, range of abilities,
meet outside bike shop: Wild Side
- Germany, Bavaria, Munich
- en.
wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Bicycle_lighting
- StVO 67:
de/stvzo /stvzo_67 .php German Street Traffic Law 67
Flashing lights in Germany
- Prior to StVO 67, I had understood
that while while flashers were not legally sufficient,
(& one must also have a continuously on light. (eg
via a dynamo, which goes out at junctions, also legal,
but not nice) ...
A 2nd battery driven light, that didn't go out when
stopped at junctions, & that could flash as an
optional extra, was sensible. (a car driver, often may
find a combination of bike rear steady light + flasher to
be optimal to notice slow bikes, depending on lighting
However as StVO 67 includes: "An
Fahrr\xe4dern d\xfcrfen nur die vorgeschriebenen und die
f\xfcr zul\xe4ssig erkl\xe4rten lichttechnischen
Einrichtungen angebracht sein." Which "nur"
seems to annoyingly block flashers,
Maybe "nur" might be supplanted or re-interpreted or
challenged elsewhere ?
- Lights I know include dynamo, & on same bike,
battery driven with multi way switches that can provide
steady on or off or various flash rates/patterns.
- In practice, police will hopefully first remove
cyclists with no lights, then bikes only with flashers,
etc, before pursuing steady + flasher combos, &
exotica of lights that might not run on 6 Volt (Read StVO 67! So it seems an obsolete pre LED
etc law, that should now specify Lumens not Volts!,
Particularly as it specifies "3 W und deren Nennspannung
6 V" & LEDS need less Watts for same brightness.
- Consult a lawyer or police for German law, the above
is just opinion to encourage thinking.
UK Law (amusing too).
German Law Changes
- Bikes no longer need to wait for pedestrian reds on bike
paths crossing roads junctions, we're finally classed as
vehicles, not slow pedestrians, The big reds for cars at
junctions are now what we must stop for...
- Car drivers may not realise that for a while, so we'll be
more at at risk from car drivers not looking back down cycle
path before they turn right, cars will wrongly expect we must
stop for them, some idiots will turn right without looking
- The laws of kinetic energy, gravity, & friction
remain absolute ;-)
Heap of URLS from 2020-12 re red lights, no time to review:
Andechs to Giesing 2019-06-09 : "It's all tarmac, fairly
flat and mostly very bike friendly. If I do it again, I'd
probably change one section as the bike route signs have
obviously been superseded by road improvements. The section
from Hadorf to Oberbrunnerstr is now a fast road without
cycle path. There are many cycle friendly other roads to
Bikemap app
- en .
wikipedia . org / wiki / Segway_PT 20.1 km/h, 9 km LiOn
- A friend wrote: took a little while to
get used to the steering, since you don`t turn the "handle
bars" as on a bike, but move them from side to side. Although
the weather was fairly warm, it was actually a bit cold on
the Segway, since you`re not doing anything active yourself
and the air is coming against you.
- Yellow jackets & bike helmets seem sensible
- Other models mindways - segway .
de / modelle
Inc. this scarey one wheel model "ONE S2" for 900 Euro mindways -
segway . de / ninebot - one 24 km/h 30km 11.4 Kg
Pa name=pubs>Pubs Some pubs en routes we've used:
- Waldgasthof Buchenhain (by S Bahn)
- PS A clip from email:
- I've done a fair bit of cycling: When first in Munich I
saw lots of silly posers in colourful tops & embarasing
body tight black trousers, & flash bikes they didn't
exploit, they bought the gear but didnt go fast or far, like
typical trendy Muenchners, mostly posers. PS Couldnt easily
get a tennis court in Munich after Boris Becker
started winning, eg Wimbledon '85 'cos Muenchners suddenly
deemed it trendy).
- I assumed those cyclists were also daft/ trendy, legs
whizzing round while going slow, I was only half right, most
were were clueless posers, but a few were good cyclist
cruising not fast, but saving their knees from abrasive
- For too many years I kept in highest gears, &
un-necessarily kept my lowest gear combos (of front &
back cogs) just for going up hills from hell. No longer.
Nominations of steep hills
- (I always knew to not pedal standing up, (it stretches
the chain, + does you a mischief if chain slips or
- Problem: How to come down those hills from hell ? My
bowden cables periodicaly snap. Bike shops tell me I cant fit
hydraulics on my 1985 Tourer, a
Peugeot Modell PX80 28"
- Consider your life hang on a crazily thin cable or 2.
Consider just the value of you bike hangs on a far thicker
bike lock cable or 2 Ponder that over a beer on a bike trip !
Join some of cyclists
mail list[s] on the
mail server
- See Also: ../ski/#knees &