By Julian H.
Stacey (a Unix Consultant, Unix (inc.
FreeBSD &
Linux etc) since 1978, Android since
2014)Notes re. Android for BSD (and other) Unix users
& programmers who heavily value free public domain source
Here's a review written for a banking app 2020-12-01:
Only available for 1 Samsung of 4 Samsung & 1 Lenovo
older devices: 0 of 2 phones & 1
of 3 tablets. Manufacturers don't upgrade older devices to newer Android, to force waste of
money & environment on un-necessary hardware replacement:
Minimum 1 star rating.
- mobile software distribution
List of free and open-source Android
(formerly known as the Android Market), 10^6 apps, Run by the
search neo monopoly that wants to track you and advertise at
you, that apparently won't host advert blocking apps.
No proxy setting, (Which initially
stops it from inside a LAN protected by a gate that does not
run NAT & only offers an http proxy.
... Until you discover the google App does work with a proxy
OK, if it's specified by Proxy
Settings app
(Ensure the proxy supports https as well as http, (If Apache
append Listen 443 below Listen 80 ), (If Apache httpd.conf:
MaxClients 10 or maybe 20 - I suspect, not sure, the google app
may fire off multiple httpd instances on the proxy if it detect
android has lots of apps to update ?)
- Re. proxy, Google can & do
track your IP number, ie I get mails reporting I am down
loading apps not from my home country, & you can not hide
behind an Onion/Tor gate to prevent tracking.)
Apps if selected from PC not android device, get immediately
marked as "Installed" on your logged in google page, but
actually are just marked for delivery later, when you run
google play store app on the Android with Internet connectivity
to the device, eg with WLAN (or SIM card if you like to burn
money ;-).
- and
Free Source, 10^3 apps at: Including advert blocking
App allows optional proxy setting.
Also works if you leave proxy setting off, & let Proxy Settings app set a proxy on a per
net basis.
about F-Droid "F-Droid, another alternative
marketplace, seeks to only provide applications that are
distributed under free and open source licenses."
Does support using a local httpd, so one can also use a 2
stage download of apps:
- #1 (with eg BSD PC from Internet, saving into local
directory accessible to laptop running:
- #2 httpd connected to android, over tethered USB.
A source repository
, Not just for Android, but also has binaries for Android,
limbopcemulator/ &
limbo-emulator/ mentioned in this NetBSD
thread binaries.
- GitHub.Com
A source code repository
, at 2016-01018: 49
public android projects
- 24 x
10^3 apps.
Amazon Appstore
- "easy
to use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and
customized mobile devices" The Guardian Project
- whispersystems .
Open WhisperSystems Messaging with privacy
- found
while looking for mapdroyd &
"Samsung Galaxy Tablet Store"
- found
while looking for mapdroyd
- Single apps to move down page
Connectivity: FreeBSD tools and Android apps. 
Purpose: Travelling, Android WLAN (or SIM card) to
Internet, FreeBSD PC with no WLAN hardware via Android to
FreeBSD pc as client, via USB to Android as router/ server
with WLAN; then via WLAN to an Internet DSL router.
+ Tethering - common elements for either direction
- PC
- Connecting usb creates these in /dev/ :
- lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9 Nov 9 21:24
./ugen1.6 -> usb/1.6.0
- crw------- 1 root operator 0x9a Jul 26 18:03
- crw------- 1 root operator 0x9c Jul 26 18:03
- crw------- 1 root operator 0x9d Jul 26 18:03
- crw------- 1 root operator 0x9e Jul 26 18:03
- crw------- 1 root operator 0x9f Jul 26 18:03
- crw------- 1 root operator 0xa0 Jul 26 18:03
- For
urndis USB Remote NDIS Ethernet device driver,
Use FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE or newer, not 9.2 & not
10.0, .
- /boot/loader.conf Add if_urndis_load="YES" Or
/sys/amd64/conf/Add "device urndis"
config -x/boot/kernel/kernel | grep urndis
- Android
- Turn off auto update in { Google Play store,
F-Droid, Navigator map app & anything else heavy,
eg browser pre load & BBC etc. }
- Touch "Settings ; Connections ; Data usage ;
Mobile data"
- Touch "Settings ; Connections ; Tethering and
portable hot spot ; USB tethering";
After a few seconds it shows "Tethered" + a green
- PC
- Android: After enabling tethering on android, the
android browser can see PC apache httpd (where I can
stage downloaded android apps from internet).
- FreeBSD: ping
- Android:
Purpose: At home, debugging:
Android as client, via USB to FreeBSD PC as router;
then PC via ethernet (local class C private addresses)
to a LAN proxy gateway connecting to Internet
- (See also above for some common stuff, eg about
FreeBSD urndis).
- See Also network-usb-tethering
- PC
- /etc/
rc.conf: gateway_enable="YES"
- PC sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
- Android
cat /proc/net/route
route show
So I tried:
route add default gw dev
Which error-ed: Operation not
& still error-ed after
Settings -> General -> Developer Options
{ USB Debugging : Allow = ON ; Allow Mock
locations : ON } JJLATER Not sure if needed.
So I assume syntax OK, I "just" need to
root the device.
Meantime on PC /usr/local/etc/apache22/
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests On
<Directory proxy:*>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
ProxyVia On
NoCache *
This works, allow android to access other
internal servers
but not sure how to get cascade of apaches, so the
apache on PC of the smart phones should use the LAN
gate apache as a proxy.
- To try:
ipfw packet diversion direct from phone USB to
LAN host=gate proxy.
- I gave up on above, & now use WLAN for
Android, which is safer, as now the Android is on my
WLAN sub net, which my firewall does not allow to
communicate to internal trusted BSD net.
- Top Of Page
- ...ADB Manager - Manage Android
Debug Bridge - Requires Root
Mail by Thiago Barroso Perrotta perrotta.thiago at
- by
"Manage your Android from a web browser, all over the
Mail from Lars Engels lars.engels at
Mail from Luigi Rizzo rizzo at "quite
nice (security concerns apart)."
- Mass Storage managers
- Lists:
from Shane Ambler FreeBSD at "It looks like
mass storage was hidden in 4.0 and maybe removed after 4.2.
Try searching the android app store for usb mass storage.
Online storage like google
terminal emulator
- Phone App (on my Samsung
Galaxy Note 3 Smart Phone)
I've seen a call from an unknown to me shown as "Unknown"
(rather than the normal digit string). A test call incoming
from a German non ISDN (POTS)
then was shown as "Private number" , so "Unknown" is
something else.
- List of SSH
- dropbear
ssh client and server I jhs can not find one by
Juice Ssh Used by [GJ]
Mail from Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Android can run an sshd server as well as a socks
- Used by jhs@, works OK on
tethered USB cable to download
No such file or directory
adb shell shows no
/storage/emulated/0 , just
/storage/emulated/legacy/DCIM/Camera # du -k # 82M
Rooted SSH/ SFTP Daemon
Play Store
- Graphics shows word dropbear.
- "Device MUST be Rooted
AND have BOTH the SuperUser AND BusyBox apps
This app is a SSH terminal server AND an SFTP file
sshtunnel "based on Connectbot and
zarchiver Supports tar & gzip.
- Developers site
- I have tested a plain .tar is readable by FreeBSD
current @ 2015-11-12,
- I have not tested gzip compatibility, neither have I
yet fed a BSD tar to zarchiver
- Default file name NewArchive.tar
- In startup it warns "In newer Android version (KitKat), OS limits the 3rd party apps
(non pre-installed on the device) to access external USB
flash or SD card write function."
cd /storage/extSdCard/DCIM/Camera # du -k # 13 Gig
I tried & failed to extract to
/storage/extSdCard/DCIM/Camera/jhs (which is on SD
adb shell also could not chmod 777
Operation not permitted
(Extracting archive was in an attempt to move pictures from
internal memory, merging to SD card while retaining date
stamp), I guess I would currently need to Root the phone then I might be able to work
round the Android problem.
Mail from Jamie Landeg-Jones jamie at dyslexicfish .
NFS is used for mounting my media ... Not all androids come
with nfs in the kernel though
"SecDroid hardens the android kernel by disable certain
binaries that have internet access or can be used as an
attack vector and by securing the TCP Stack using Systctl.
This helps prevent some MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) and
Spoofing attacks. It may also prevent some DOS
(Denial-Of-Service) Attacks. Disabled services include SSH,
SSHD, Telnet NC (net cat), and Ping, to keep others from
gaining access to your device via a remote terminal."
- Debian Linux
Android Options
- Options Layout: Samsung options layout is not standard
ClockworkMod gives an android standard options layout,
but ClockworkMod [usually or always?] needs an ms-win to
install it
- Options to install APKs
- Mock Locations: ON
JJLATER Not sure if needed.
- Unknown Sources: ON
- ClockworkMod koushikdutta.rommanager recovery rom
Background of The Issues
orbot: Proxy With Tor Orbot brings the capabilities of
Tor to Android. Tor uses Onion Routing to provide access to
network services that may be blocked, censored or
monitored, while also protecting the identity of the user
requesting those resources.
orweb: "Private Web Browser Orweb is a privacy
enhanced web browser that supports proxies. When used with
Orbot, Orweb protects against network analysis, blocks
cookies, keeps no local browsing history, and disables
Flash to keep you safe."
Works OK via a proxy as well as direct, the Menu within the
app allows you to set & unset a proxy.
(however if you've also set proxy with Proxy Settings app the 2 collide, so
turn one off).
Proxy Apps on Google Play Store (Some but not all
Needs Root so not
investigated further (I will root but not yet)
Proxy Server - Not tried.
Proxy Tigle New - Not tried.
Orxy An alternative to Orbot. Knows about Dark net.
Orxy provides a local HTTP proxy on port 8118.
`Proxy Settings' App
`Proxy Settings' App On Google Play Store
- No request for Root.
- Tried. Worked OK. Tried again, couldn't set
proxy (it kept clearing again). Perhaps my user
error, clashing proxy settings in 2 places ?After
setting it via normal Android Settings below, then
this app could display net values.
- Source
- Can set proxy on a per net basis.

- Gets many apps working that didn't before inc.
Google play store & various browsers.
- If you set proxy with this, you will need to
unset proxy on & other apps that
internally support proxy, else they collide)
Settings (on Android 4.4.2 with
Samsung Galaxy Note
Connections > WiFi > Long touch on your network
name > Modify network config > Show advanced
options > Proxy: Manual > Scroll down to Proxy
hostname: (eg, Proxy port: (eg 80), Bypass
proxy for: (eg, IP
settings: DHCP
(I tried appending to Bypass proxy :
",," but it failed.)
This method does Not work with Android 2.2.2 on
Vodafone 858
- Even with http proxy now working for some apps
(including lots of browsers,
Probably some apps won't, eg maybe various GPS Map Apps may not support downloading
maps), so it's also useful to configure NAT on a wireless router.
- Top Of Page
- Rooting
/ Android_rooting
- Path Names
- It is a pain working your way round a new OS, figuring
where all the apps put data & where a tar archive might
emit a .tar image to then ftp for backup.
- Within adb shell There is no
find command !
- No manuals pre
Man(ual) Pages App Names:
- I wanted to ftp the lot to BSD then explore, but to do
that I need to Root the device
first, & before that to backup, & before that space
to create a tar image ... Catch 22 !
- See Also: Paths
Samsung Galaxy Note
3 :
cd /mnt/shell/emulated ; ls -lR / > ls-lR
# Contacts App "Export to device
# Contacts App "Export to SD card"
# ?
# ?
# ?
Android: mkdir /sdcard/tmp
Android: cd /sdcard/tmp
Android: ls / > jhs2
BSD: adb pull /sdcard/tmp/jhs2 .
BSD: adb push jhs2 /sdcard/tmp/jhs3
BSD: cd ~/txt/contacts
BSD: adb push fritz.vcf /sdcard/tmp/fritz.vcf
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
/mnt/shell/emulated |
26.3G |
11.2G |
15.2G |
04.0K |
/storage/extSdCard |
29.7G |
05.9G |
23.8G |
32.0K |
Samsung Galaxy S5 :
cd /storage/self/primary ; ls -lR / > ls-lR
# Fails to see
# ?
# ?
# ?
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
/dev /sys/fs/cgroup /mnt /mnt/secure |
845M |
0.0K |
845M |
04.0K |
/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera |
11.8G |
10.2G |
1.6G |
04.0K |
/storage/self/primary/DCIM/Camera |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/dev 845.4M 148.0K 845.3M 4.0K
/sys/fs/cgroup 845.4M 12.0K 845.4M 4.0K
/mnt 845.4M 0.0K 845.4M 4.0K
/mnt/secure 845.4M 0.0K 845.4M 4.0K
/firmware 77.0M 8.4M 68.6M 16.0K
/firmware-modem 64.0M 52.9M 11.0M 16.0K
/system 2.4G 2.3G 90.4M 4.0K
/data 11.8G 11.1G 688.3M 4.0K
/cache 196.8M 8.4M 188.4M 4.0K
/persist 7.9M 4.1M 3.8M 4.0K
/efs 13.8M 4.3M 9.4M 4.0K
/preload 49.2M 18.4M 30.8M 4.0K
/persdata/absolute 8.8M 4.3M 4.6M 4.0K
/storage 845.4M 0.0K 845.4M 4.0K
/mnt/knox 11.8G 11.1G 688.3M 4.0K
/mnt/shell/enc_media 11.8G 11.1G 663.3M 4.0K
/storage/emulated 11.8G 11.1G 663.3M 4.0K
/data/enc_user 11.8G 11.1G 688.3M 4.0K
/mnt/shell/enc_emulated 11.8G 11.1G 663.3M 4.0K
/data/knox/sdcard /mnt/knox/default/knox-emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/knox/sdcard /mnt/knox/read/knox-emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/knox/sdcard /mnt/knox/write/knox-emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/knox/secure_fs/enc_media /mnt/shell/enc_media sdcardfs rw
/data/knox/secure_fs/enc_user /data/enc_user ecryptfs rw
/data/knox/tmp_sdcard /mnt/knox sdcardfs rw
/data/media /mnt/runtime/default/emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/media /mnt/runtime/read/emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/media /mnt/runtime/write/emulated sdcardfs rw
/data/media /storage/emulated sdcardfs rw
/mnt/shell/enc_media /mnt/shell/enc_emulated ecryptfs rw
debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw
none /acct cgroup rw
none /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs rw
selinuxfs /sys/fs/selinux selinuxfs rw
sysfs /sys sysfs rw
tmpfs /mnt tmpfs rw
tmpfs /mnt/secure tmpfs rw
tmpfs /mnt/secure/asec tmpfs rw
tmpfs /storage tmpfs rw
Samsung Galaxy Tab4
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Vodafone 858 df | grep
-v /mnt/asec # Pruned.
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
/storage /sdcard1 |
2.0G |
1.8G |
160.1M |
4096 |
/storage /sdcard0 |
3.7G |
43.7M |
3.7G |
32768 |
Vodafone 985N Smart Phone df | grep -v /mnt/asec # Pruned.
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Lenovo TAB A8-50 8" 3G Tablet
- "Lenovo A5500-H"
df | grep -v /mnt/asec #
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Free |
Blksize |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Symbolic Links
Samsung Galaxy Note
/d |
-> |
/sys /kernel /debug |
/etc |
-> |
/system /etc |
/sdcard |
-> |
/storage /emulated /legacy |
/tombstones |
-> |
/data /tombstones |
vendor |
-> |
vendor |
/mnt /extSdCard |
-> |
/storage /extSdCard |
/mnt /sdcard0 |
-> |
/storage /emulated /legacy |
/mnt /UsbDriveA |
-> |
/storage /UsbDriveA |
/storage /knox-emulated |
-> |
/mnt /shell /knox-emulated |
/storage /sdcard0 |
-> |
/storage /emulated /legacy |
/storage /emulated /legacy |
-> |
/mnt /shell /emulated /0 |
Other sites re. tree hierarchy:
"The main hardware platform for Android is the 32-bit ARMv7
architecture. The Android-x86 project provides support for the
x86 architecture ... it is possible to run Android natively on
regular PC hardware with a keyboard and a mouse,[87][88][89]
with versions of Android, including 4.4, download-able from the
Android-x86 project."
X Servers
Emulators, Cross Compiling, etc
- "I have managed to run the Android OS
with OpenGL support on FreeBSD." "gferenc88, Feb 4, 2013 "
(After I've read stuff in this section
[& URLs beyond & made notes], I aim to move it up to
"Notes - Merged")
ROMs (Linux speak for
"Download-able versions of binary firmware images of OS
(Operating System) to install in place of hardware
manufacturers' standard older Android")
- Added 2020-12 , to merge in:
- Now cyanogen mod is gone, my interest is to decide
which android to root some old phones & tablet
Unfortunately, en .
wikipedia . org / wiki / LineageOSdoesn't support
many older smart phone models.
www . xda -
developers . com Quite a few developers on that
site create custom roms for older hardware. But the
site requires a login to download files. Not a big deal
because they don't send SPAM mails. I've had a login
there for many years.
There's also www .
needrom . com which has custom roms for some older
phones. The android on my Zopo is from there. Also
requires a login but also never sends SPAM.
wikipedia. org/wiki/List of custom Android
- cyanogenmod - an open source operating system for smart
phones and tablet computers
- AOKP (Android Open Kang Project, is an open source
replacement distribution )
OmniRom. org
- OpenMoko
- PacManRom
- Paranoid Android - A
load of Glitz
- Tha Phlash
- Villain Rom
- Summary: The fact that some dual SIM
adapters says they don't support CDMA seems irrelevant in
Europe, unless I jhs@ have not understood something ?
- What's
the Difference between GSM and CDMA? ... GSM and its
successor, UMTS
- "Sprint
and Verizon" ... "CDMA and GSM are cell phone
technologies that enable consumers to make and receive
phone calls. They are incompatible with each other and are
cell phone provider-dependent. Some 80 percent of the world
cell phone market uses GSM, according to June 2010
statistics from the GSM Association ... prevalent in Europe
as well as USA" ... "advantage of GSM is that you
can remove your SIM card and place it in
another cell phone, while with CDMA, you cannot"
- LTE: en
. wikipedia. org: Long-Term Evolution, commonly marketed as 4G
" Mobile
number portability. You can change between operators
without changing your number. It also allows conversion
between gsm and cdma." In Germany it will cost you.
Some new providers pay a kickback if you move to them,
which part recompenses the rip off old companies charge to
take your number with you. A new problem is now when
looking at a number you don't know if recipient of your
call is on same cheap or free network as you, or some other
more expensive net.
A Usa guide:
NFC = Near Field Communication
Faraday Talk 2013-01-12
- Android apps for reading contact-less credit &
debit cards, a subset of RFID devices.
- It took me a while to discover any app that worked,
as orientation of card is important: Card must be same
profile as phone, long side to long side. It does not
work holding things naturally: phone in portrait mode,
& a debit card in landscape mode.
- Some phones don't have NFC chips in
- 3 reader apps tried:
- Name: NFCard
- Name: NFC Reader
- Name: Mifare Classic Tool
- Indexes of Apps:
- These have public source, making it
harder to hide malware.
Realise any rogue app could read a card then steal
data & export for collection on a web server
via parameters to an http URL access.
Locating Chip On Cards -
(Before Drilling out chip, or using location to
search where NFC chip is on phone)
- Probably one doesn't need to actually drill out
the chip, probably drilling out the aerial would be
sufficient to break the signal & induced
- Don't need X-ray to see chip on cards: Go in to
a very dark room eg cupboard or private bathroom
& place a strong LED torch directly touching
under side of card. Slide across & you can see
- On an HSBC it seemed under the VISA symbol, in
the middle of the symbol. (Silver paint, easier to
see through, distinctly)
- On a Halifax card it seemed under the VISA
symbol, in the middle on the long horizontal axis,
but a little offset on the short vertical axis
(Dark blue paint, harder to see through,
faraday 2013-01-12 talk + links to videos
youtube "UPDATED 2014 - Disable RFID Chip In Credit
Or Debit Cards" Shows an app I cant find.
- Blocking Cards From Being Read By Walk By Thieves:
- Learning what can block cards for safety
- aluminium cooking foil, laminated in plastic,
credit card, aka business card, size, does work
card read.
- But: one has to hold card flat to back of phone
& shuffle it about to read it, particularly
with a Samsung
Galaxy Note 3: folding plastic wallet, it's not
smooth, not easy, not a reliable reader, a bit hit
& miss, not usable to check if cards further
off are screened by back packs with a special built
in screened pocket.
- I assume
thieves who stroll about in crowds, stealing data
from cards in adjacent back packs, themselves
use. stronger RF fields from external aerials
hidden in their bag.
- For a stronger signal, more reliable to test bags
with, it would be useful to learn where on phone the
NFC antenna is. To search for that, first locate chip antenna on a
USB OTG (= On The Go) Cables
- USIM card
en. wikipedia. org : Universal Subscriber Identity
Module samsung_galaxy_note_3 /compare /Samsung - Galaxy - Note - 3 - vs
- Samsung - Galaxy - Note - 3 - Dual - N9002 - vs -
Samsung - Galaxy - Note - 3 - LTE - N9005
First with Android 4.4.2, kernel 3.4.0 ,
From 2018-02-01 with:
Model: SM-N9005
Android version: 5.0
Android Security patch level 2015-11-01
Baseband version: N9005XXUGBOJ1
Kernel version 3.4.0-4540543, dpi@SWDD5923#1, Thu Dec
22 14:41:05 KST 2016
Build number LRX21V.N9005XXSGBPL6
SE for Android Enforcing, SEPF_SM-9005_5.0-1_0032, Thu
Dec 22 14:43:18 2016
Security software version: ASKS v1.2_161011
KNOX version
KNOX 2.3
Standard SDK 5.3.0
Premium SDK 2.3.0
Customisation SDK 2.0.0
Container 2.3.0
CEP 2.0.1
Enterprise Billing 1..0
SE for Android 2.3.0
SSO 2.1.1
TIMA 3.0
VPN 2.2.0
General Notes
- To install custom ROM on Samsung
Galaxy Note 3: 3 fingered grip: From
powered off state, simultaneously push
all of: { Power switch + Volume down +
Home button }
- (At 2014-11-14 generic android is now
up to 4.4.4 (jhs@ in .de) & 5.0 (pas@
in UK))
- Spec: 2.3GHz ; RAM 3 GB; Int mem 32G,
Ext mem MicroSD <= 64GB; (
micro) SIM: Just 1, Camera back: 13.0
MP, Cam Front 2.0 MP; Sensors: Gesture,
Accelerometer, Geo-magnetic, Gyro-,
Light, Pressure, Proximity, Temperature,
Humidity, Hall; Screen 5.7" 1920 x 1080 ;
fits shirt pocket; 168 gram.
- Samsung web:
- User Manual 77.83 MB, pdf,
ENGLISH 9 Jan, 2014
SM - N9005_ UM_ EU_ Kitkat_ Eng_ Rev.
1. 0_ 140109. pdf 81,610,018 bytes,
182 pages, last page says: English
(EU). 01/2014. Rev.1.0
- User Manual 76.86 MB, pdf,
ENGLISH(Orange) 1 Oct, 2013
- User Manual 8.51 MB, pdf, ENGLISH
9 Sep, 2013
- Safety Guide 0.01MB, pdf,
Sep, 2013
- Smart simulator, Tech Specs,
- Cyanogen:
- Use in USA Or Not:
- 4 to 5, KitKat To
Micro SD Card Memory
- Samsung Manual
page 17) says "Your device accepts memory
cards with maximum capacities of 64 GB. Depending
on the memory card manufacturer and type, some
memory cards may not be compatible with your
device." ... "The device supports the FAT and the
exFAT file systems for memory cards. When
inserting a card formatted in a different file
system, the device asks to reformat the memory
card. Frequent writing and erasing of data
shortens the lifespan of memory cards. When
inserting a memory card into the device, the
memory card's file directory appears in the My
Files All SD memory card folder."
- wikipedia
on Secure Digital
FUSE - (
Fusefs-exfat file system on FreeBSD
Wikipedia states: "SDHC ... version 2.0 of the
SD spec. .. supports .. up to
- So I deduce the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will
support SDXC cards too (but I haven't tried SDXC
yet. I am using a '32G SanDisk Ultra micro SDHC
UHS-1 Card "Speed up to 48 MB/s 320X"').
- What speed of memory to buy ? - Not resolved
yet, I guess the phone asks the memory what speed
it is, & adapts ?
- samsung + galaxy + note + 3 + memory +
card Picture shows XC 1, text shows
- SanDisk - Samsung - Galaxy -
Professional Ultra SanDisk 64GB MicroSDXC
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 card is custom
formatted for high speed, lossless recording!
Includes Standard SD Adapter. (UHS-1 Class 10
Certified 30MB/sec) by SanDisk, picture shows
phonearena. com /phones /Samsung - Galaxy - Note
- 3 _ id7984: "Storage Expansion: microSD,
microSDHC up to 64 GB"
- samsung galaxy note 3
Specification inc.:
"Available as:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9000 with 3G
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9002 with dual
SIM card support
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 with 3G and
LTE connectivity
Also known as Samsung Galaxy Note
"Card slot microSD, up to 64 GB Internal
16/32/64 GB, 3 GB RAM"
- Samsung's browser keyboard produces a nasty
character set that does Not match Ascii
(it generates non standard redundant junk such as
'1/2)', & omits important characters such as
tilde '~' - To
type that into a URL, fake it with '%7E'.
'~' is symbol for person's top directory on
Apache, which is the most used web server on
the planet, Dumb that it's missing! Some other
essential ASCIIs were missing too, I can't
remember which now, but any C programmer /Unix
person /other computer professional wanting {} []
`' <> \ | would find it useless.
Solved by installing
Hackers Keyboard (though I still don't know
where Control key is).
- Back To Top
- Samsung smart phone charger (white with UK
230V 13A type plug) says on side: 2.0 Amps; it
gets quite warm, not so surprising as a normal
USB 1 or 2 socket on a PC or laptop etc is not
expected to supply more than 0.5 Amps and a USB-3
socket is rated to supply just 1.0 Amps.
- Phone draws 0.7 Amps when charging. and 0.13
Amps when full charged, cover closed, and 0.3
Amps when full charged, cover opened, screen
- A black and white car cigarette socket to USB
power adaptor from a one Euro shop would not
deliver more than 0.4 Amp.
- It says on batteries: Samsung Near Field Communication 3.8 Volt,
Li-ion 12.16 Wh B800BE 3200 mAh
- Samsung web spec: Battery 3200mAh Internet
Usage Time(3G) Up to 11h
- 3.8 V * 3.2 Ah = 12.16 Volt Amp hours.
- GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
and a capacitive touch screen, 2.8" screen with a
240x320, 528MHz, 130MB internal
- Dead link:
- storage
- Dead link:
Quick Start and Main manuals in RANDOM LANGUAGE for
Model 8110 (maybe base of range similar ?)
Announce Vodafone Smart 2011-05-16
com /vodafone _ 858 _ smart - 3955
2011-05-16 (oldest comment)
- 2011-08-02 : Review
forum. xda - developers. com 2011-09-12
CyanogenMod 7.2.0-RC1 The current port status is
stable - all hardware is working correctly, but see
post #2 for any known issues.
android. net /forum /huawei - u8100/79303 - vodafone -
858 2012-03-19
android. stackexchange. com /questions/26161 / how- to-
update- my- vodafone- 858- smart
- android device huawei u8160
CyanogenMod port for the Vodafone Smart VF858 (Huawei
- 2012-08-21
Root vodafone 858 (Huawei
u8160 ) or huawei u8180 (may work on other phones)
domain has gone Dead Link: :
2012-12-12: A small upgrade to Android 2.3
domain has gone Dead Link:
: 2013-03-01
teamandroid. com /2012/08/25/update - huawei - u8160 -
vodafone - 858 - smart - cm9 - android - 404 - ics -
custom - firmware
2013-08-25: "Update Huawei U8160 / Vodafone
858 Smart to CM9 Android 4.0.4" - "Huawei
U8160/Vodafone 858 Smart can now be updated to
Android 4.0.4 ICS custom firmware, which is a
CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) based ROM. This firmware is not
complete yet and has many things that do not work on
this phone, but at least you can get a taste of
Android 4.0.4 ICS on your device. You can now install
CM9 Android 4.0.4 ICS on Huawei U8160 / Vodafone 858
Smart. Your phone should be Rooted and have ClockworkMod recovery
installed." Not working /to do: USB, Radio,
- mediapad - 10 - fhd - usb - drivers
2013-12-18 Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD USB Drivers
teamandroid. com /2012/08/05/hisuite - huawei - android
- devices - download - now
2013-12-19 HiSuite for Huawei
Devices - Haris Nadeem # Android Tips HiSuite is the
Android smart device manager by Huawei to manage your
Huawei Android devices, all from one desktop
software. HiSuite is the latest version
available for download. It also contains the latest
Huawei USB drivers for ADB and
- (While testing firewall with Proxy Settings app), I noticed The
Vodafone 858 wasn't using DHCP allocated addresses (so
used my staticly selected values, till after I did a
power off reset.
I have occasionally got the browser called from within
the Proxy Settings app to
access an external web eg But not reliably or
consistently. & never direct from a browser. &
neither or f-droid. org app-store apps can
connect to web to load an alternate newer browser. I've
seen this phone has signal strength problems even on
other reliable nets
- jhs@: "WLAN problematic @ home & @ apple shop,
maybe aerial covered by hand as it's so small, i now use
flat on desk, not held"
- SIM size Micro
WLAN very flakey.
- Device reports via Settings (& also on the
physical back): "Lenovo A5500-H""
- Booklet (smaller than A6): Lenovo TAB A8-50
- 16 GB, Dark Blue 180 pix/inch 11 hr bat. 16 gb
Android# 4.2 (Jelly
- Dead link:
: No longer sold Try
- Dead link:〈=en
download. lenovo. com/ consumer/ mobiles_pub/
- A5500
- Battery from web spec.: Type: 4200 mAh Li-Po,
fixed; Standby Time: Up to 20 days; Usage Time: Up to
11 hours;
(4.2/11 implies device consumes at least 0.38
- If it happens to be 3.8 Volt (voltage Samsung
uses), then 3.8 x 4.2 = 15.96 Wh.
- Lenovo A5500 User Guide V1.0:
HTML, and
- The Lenovo OTG USB stick:
Functions as PC UFD, phone
UFD, and OTG
adapter. OTG + Dead link:
: Lenovo USB and Micro USB Flash Drive C590 16GB $
USD 25 @ 2015-02
- Android 6 = Marshmallow.
Not reccomended: Google changed the rules for accessing the
external SD. To get back write access, have to install an
App, which only works with a Rooted
When 6 = Marshmallow and newer
finds an ext. SD it offers two options:
- Format the SD card and mount it as part of the
internal flash. gives your apps access to the ext. SD as
though it's part of the internal storage
- Use it for "exchanging photos" etc. >/ul>
- Some Cross Platform Developer Tools that may be of interest
- If you see: "Unfortunately, app has stopped." -
Potential Solutions:
- "Setting" -> General -> "Application Manager"
-> "All" -> "Menu" -> "Reset App Preference"
- "Setting" -> General -> "Application Manager"
-> App -> "Clear cache" & maybe "Clear data".
(clears settings preferences, does not delete maps).
- Disable Google+ (Google Plus)
- Reboot.
- Maybe also too many processes are running ? - Long
press middle Home button (AVG anti virus can also list
whats running)
Ubuntu Phone
Corrections and additions welcome; Ideally in (
Unix diff -c syntax), If you can't do that, quote a unique
bit of page for me to search for in editor.
See Also:
Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped