GEA Constitution 
- Sept. 1989
Constitution (PDF) (12 rules on 2 pages)
- Rule 12 on page 2:
"Changes to this constitution must be proposed at a
quorate extra-ordinary committee meeting..."
- Old power grabbers on 15 Dec 2008, called an EGM for Fri
Jan. 16th, 2009.
The call was Fraudulent, Not called by elected committee
6 Power Grabbing Revolters:
3 Controlling Pensioners:
- A webmaster who shortly before he headed the
power grab, infamously told GEA Committee "I'm not
interested in GEA politics!",
- His wife <-- fake Sunny, real Hilary J. --> the chief censor, who long ago started aging the club
prematurely: who forced removal of Young
Thinking from club description; hijacked original GEA mail
list; censored new list to suppress dissent; &
recruited numerous older people.
- A programme editor who resigned, revolted from
committee control & continued despite new editor
appointed by elected committee.
+ 3 Make Weights
- A man who wrote the original GEA constitution then
dishonoured it (supporting the fraudulent
EGM), who despite being English, wrote in German
saying he knew of no problems (having avoided asking the
committee about problems reported).
- 2 other make weights, too foolish or arrogant to have
asked the committee what was wrong & how they could
help, who preferred short term fame as Revolters.
- Funded by someone who threatened to destroy Guy Fawkes
equipment, then refused to pass profits or financial report
to the committee for
After they grabbed web, mail & monthly programme, they
spread propaganda & staged their fraudulent EGM. Membership
mostly neither knew nor cared why control was subverted.
- Since then
- The Stammtisch has largely
- No elections for a new committee, to appoint anyone
responsible to rescue GEA.
- GEA continues toward its destiny as German
Elderly Association, - matching the power
grabbing pensioners.
- Some bits of GEA are not yet moribund,
but much gone. Munich has other activities eg Beer Gardeners & &